Lyric Backus and Her Son Deuce Succumb to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Lyric Backus and her son, residents of Mesquite, Texas, tragically perished on her birthday. After returning home from a night of celebration, Lyric parked her car in the garage and fell asleep inside with her son. Unfortunately, she left the vehicle running, unaware that carbon monoxide was silently seeping into the enclosed space. Lacking a carbon monoxide detector in her garage, the toxic gas filled the area undetected, leading to the devastating outcome. It was her 28th Birthday when this incident happened. Her son Duece was six years old.

Carbon monoxide, often dubbed “The Silent Assassin,” is undetectable by sight or smell. This is precisely why the presence of carbon monoxide detectors is crucial for safeguarding against its lethal effects.

Community Mourns

The people of Mesquite, Texas are mourning the tragic deaths of Lyric Backus and her son, Duece, who tragically lost their lives to carbon monoxide poisoning. Their untimely demise underscores the hidden danger of this scentless gas, emphasizing the urgent need for awareness and precautionary steps to prevent such heartbreaking incidents.

Preventive Measures

Carbon monoxide awareness is crucial for everyone because it only takes a few minutes for this silent killer to wreak havoc. Carbon monoxide is invisible and odorless, making it impossible to detect without special equipment. It can induce extreme drowsiness, leading to potentially fatal consequences. Installing carbon monoxide detectors is essential not just within your home but also in enclosed spaces like garages. You can easily purchase detectors online from platforms like Amazon or in-store at Walmart, Lowe’s, or Home Depot. There are various types available, ranging from simple beepers to advanced models that vocally alert you to high levels of carbon monoxide, prompting you to seek fresh air immediately.

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